Josh is called upon to share his knowledge and expertise with the media, and for interviews about his book All In. Looking for more? Follow along with the podcast on the Substack Newsletter. For media requests, contact: Click here for Media Kit.

Josh explains that big mainstream media are ignoring attacks and persecution against Christians around the world, particularly by Islamist terrorists.

The ‘big lie’ of the right, a stolen 2020 election, has overtaken the Republican Party. GOP lawmakers must espouse it or stay mum; Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois dared to speak the truth and were kicked out of Congress. The ‘big lie’ of the left, a mythical big bad Israel, has not overtaken the Democratic Party and remains mostly a belief of far-left members who call themselves ‘progressive.’ When it comes to the media, however, both big lies are widespread.

‘Our resilience is our superpower, and our strength comes from our unity,’ Josh Levs, a journalist and writer who keynoted the event, said to a standing ovation.

‘We will continue to stand for what’s right no matter how many hateful people scream hateful things against us,’ said longtime broadcaster and journalist Josh Levs. ‘No matter how many people attack us, no matter what horrors they inflict on us, no matter what price we pay, we will continue to stand for the right to be this beautiful thing that we are for the world.’
This was a big part of Levs’ message that he expressed at Monday night’s ceremony.

They Stand Corrected host Josh Levs explains the extreme dangers of Trump saying Jewish people would have “a lot to do” with his election loss.

In this column for the largest paper in a key swing state, Josh explains why voters should beware the weaponization of polls in the presidential race.

Josh on the debate fallout, and the question of whether it would be patriotic to ban lawmakers lying.

Josh fact checks a new study on dads’ heart health and discusses They Stand Corrected.

I had a great chat with Josh Levs about his mission to deal with truth, journalism and context. He’s a great one and you will love this. And check out his substack and podcast, ‘They Stand Corrected.’

Without knowing the truth, we can’t heal our relationships. We have to start off with what’s solid and learnable. So before arguing about politics or international stuff or whatever, we need to first establish facts! And we are losing our direct relationship to facts. Josh is breaking it all down and talking his podcast, “They Stand Corrected.”

They Stand Corrected makes Newsweek! In this column, Josh lays out the proof that many “mainstream” news outlets are institutionally biased against Israel — and even have rules to enforce that bias.

In Newsweek, Josh fact checks an offensive speech at the Oscars that was based on lies about Jewish people and Israel.

Josh explains the significance of new research about how paternity leave affects dads’ brains.

Josh explains that job sharing options are important for dads and the cause of gender equality.

In casting roles that are members of minority groups, Hollywood has been seeking out actors who are parts of those same groups — except when it comes to Jewish people. Josh explains why it matters that Oppenheimer is the latest film to have major Jewish roles played by non-Jews, and why the issue goes far beyond portrayals.

‘It’s crucial to recognize that paid parental leave is not just a ‘women’s issue.’ It’s an issue for all parents and for everyone who understands the importance of including men and fathers in caregiving,’ Levs said.

Levs… said CNN has strayed from founder Ted Turner’s ideals to focus on facts and hard news in an effort to chase ratings and profits. Licht was no panacea, he said, given his focus on personalities and providing Trump an open platform.

Josh explains how the first ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism deals an important blow to bigots who call their anti-Jewish hatred “anti-Zionism.”

Josh calls out CNN for giving Trump a live “town hall” broadcast. “Any person who is a proven liar should never be put on live. I don’t care who they are or what title they have. This concept of trying to cleave to the middle is useless if you are going to platform liars.”

“Wanna know the secret to success?!!! It’s called ‘cups and ice’… Here’s how Josh Levs turned it into the secret sauce of his success.” (Read the LinkedIn post from host Andrea Koppel)